The current global atmosphere is full of uncertainty. This unique situation has raised many questions for Canadian companies in the tech world as the industry has often relied on foreign talent to stay competitive. We find that our Registered Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCIC) tend to receive similar questions.
Three common questions we encounter from the OFAS Canadian Application Centre on a regular basis about workforce and immigration are:
Q: What does the current economic situation mean for foreign workers employed by my company?
A: For many companies it means business as usual but remotely. It means that many IT businesses still need to operate on the same level or at a higher capacity than before. Although many workers in Canada have been laid off by other companies this does not mean that those workers are available or have the necessary skills to work in the IT sector. So for many companies it does not affect their ability to continue employing foreign talent.
Q: Can I keep my current foreign workers or hire more?
A: Generally speaking yes you still employ any foreign workers you previously hired and yes you can also hire more foreign workers. Service Canada may have specific requirements which will vary depending on the physical location of your business and other factors such as education experience/skills required for the desired position. But overall the current economic atmosphere has not prevented companies from retaining current or new foreign workers.
Q:What about my Labour Market Impact Assessment application? Can I still apply for one?
A: Your application will still be considered and processed by Service Canada as it typically would be. As many Canadian companies change the way they do business there is still a high demand for skilled workers in the tech sector. If you need workers with specific experience and have not been able to fill the position with workers locally you can still apply for an LMIA to recruit foreign workers or apply for an LMIA to help support any foreign workers you already employ who would like to stay in Canada.
Click here to speak with an RCIC immigration expert
Uncertain times can bring opportunity and the OFAS Canadian Application Centre is a remote immigration software company designed to assist employers and foreign workers with immigration needs. Our online portal has been designed to assist you from wherever you are. All applications are processed online with no need to meet in person. Our system has been designed to perform of your application related tasks online. You can meet with consultants/processing professionals, purchase applications, make payments, store all required application documents, perform interviews/screen candidates, and run advertising for job vacancies.
We have specialists in all applications such as:
- Labour Market Impact Assessment – LMIA (such as Global Talent Stream/High Wage)
- Work Permits/Extensions
- Spousal Open Work Permits/Extensions
- Express Entry Class
- Provincial Nominations such as: OINP, BC PNP, SINP, MPNP, AINP, AIPP
- Permanent Residence
- Study Permits
- Visitor Visa
- Recruitment
We are a Canadian tech start-up and we understand your specific needs. We also work with many experts in the Canadian immigration industry with a combined 80+ years of experience.
Click here and you can choose a time for a free meeting.
Check us out on the web at https://canadalmia.ca/